Ok this is fun and at times insightful. It's a little bit trapped in the optimizer mode though, with the profit seeking suggestions. I have, and have had, the urge to optimize, achieved some measure of success (married to the woman of my dreams, mother of 2/3rds of my kids) but also failure (separated from said woman). I wholeheartedly endorse acknowledging the reality of the dating market, but I suspect the wise approach has less to do with thinking like a professional trader, and more to do with thinking of the market as a tool that can help you if you get a grip on what you actually want/need
Ok this is fun and at times insightful. It's a little bit trapped in the optimizer mode though, with the profit seeking suggestions. I have, and have had, the urge to optimize, achieved some measure of success (married to the woman of my dreams, mother of 2/3rds of my kids) but also failure (separated from said woman). I wholeheartedly endorse acknowledging the reality of the dating market, but I suspect the wise approach has less to do with thinking like a professional trader, and more to do with thinking of the market as a tool that can help you if you get a grip on what you actually want/need